12" Kayak riding Beluga waves by Tarsis Pillakapsi

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Tarsis Pillakapsi

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Inuit Art: Kayak riding Beluga waves
Artist: Tarsis Pillakapsi
Dimensions: 12" long, 2.5" high, 2.5 wide
Community: Igloolik, NU
Stone: Italian Marble & Ivory
id: caps-818001476bdjjy

***Museum Piece

*Ivory, export restrictions, we'll only ship to Canadian address*

Once in a while, we will get a certain piece in the gallery, and I know right away that one day, this piece will be in a museum. This is one of them.

I cannot believe the intricate beauty of this delicate piece. I have never seen a beautiful Ivory piece like this before. 

With such undiluted joy and a sense of penultimate freedom, Pillakapsi’s treatment of the effervescent white Ivory is brilliant.  Sparkling in the dim, the sculptural forms undulate softly in the play of the light.
What is especially captivating about this piece, is the tremendous detail, shine, and exquisite craftsmanship, only possible by a master carver. When subjected to light, Its ghostly echo comes to life with a magnificent explosion of color.


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