4" Spirit Face by Tapaungai Qatsiya *Ghostly Apparition*

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Tapaungai Qatsiyo

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Inuit art: Spirit Faces
Inuit Artist: Tapaungai Qatsiyo
Size: 4" high, 3" wide, 2" deep
Community: Cape Dorset, NU
Stone: serpentine

id: dfa-AL6190Nacjy

Did you see the face?

At first glance, all I saw were holes.

Inuit swiss cheese, I wondered?

THEN, the apparition emerged.

Two oblong eyes.  One oblong mouth. No nose.

The stone flows around the visage in an effort to offer support.


Abstract art frees us.  We see what we see.  We can interpret and never be wrong.

And maybe that is why this ghostly presence is smiling. 

It offers the viewer the gift of choice.

We are free to make this understated sculpture our own.


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