4" Sleek Striding Bear by Tim Pee

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Tim Pee

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Inuit art: Walking Bear
Inuit Artist: Tim (Timothy) Pee
Size: 4" long, 2.5" high, 2" wide
Community: Cape Dorset, NU
Stone: Serpentine
id: dfa-7460Nahjy

Tim Pee has always striven for a certain degree of realism in his work.

This goal is especially apparent in his bears‘ smooth curves, finely detailed facial features and the precision he uses to attain his meticulous cuts and proportions.

This walking bear is a very realistic piece, demonstrating Tim Pee at his peak.

Every one of Tim’s bears are remarkable. They have a sense of refinement and their detailing sets them apart from all other walking bears in this class.

My discerning clients love the grace he carves into his bears (this is a trademark of Tim’s bears) and they covet the positive and peaceful visage of his sculptures.

The reflection, polish and shine of this bear is divine.

Collectors are always waiting for the next Tim Pee bear to come into the gallery. Unlike some artists, he has many different sizes of bears. This allows collectors to choose from several price points, depending on your budget.

But no matter how large or small, all of Tim’s bears are collector pieces and endearing treasures.



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