10" Beluga Whale by Louie Uttaq Gjoa Haven *Rear Guard*

View entire collection by:
Louie Uttaq

$2,240.00 CAD

Inuit art: Beluga Whale
Inuit Artist: Louie Uttaq
Size: 10" long, 6" high, 6" deep
Community: Gjoa Haven, NU 7/20
Stone: Serpentinite
id: c-100

**This Item is Eligible for Our 0% Interest Layaway Plan.

This is a beautiful rendition of a swimming Beluga Whale.

Powerful creatures of the Arctic sea, Rear Guard is elevated on an antler allowing the viewer to observe his power as he speeds through the water like lightning. 

This perspective allows the viewer to see the entire whale as it moves through the Arctic Ocean. 

The details are exquisite.

Large round eyes and beautifully carved flippers and tail.

The dark black and mossy green stone is cool and sleek.

Louie has given this piece an innocent countenance. 

I would suggest this is a young whale who may be lagging behind his mother and his pod.

This would be an extraordinary gift for a wedding, especially to someone who is new to Inuit art because this sculpture has such universal appeal.

Louie carves many different subjects but whales seem to be a favorite. 


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